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SelectFonts form field from arenam

При создании шаблонов одной из важных задач стоит выбор подходящего шрифта. Иногда приходится несколько раз менять шрифт пока он нас не устроит. Поэтому в админ панели сайта необходимы поля с выбором шрифтов, а хорошей практикой является видеть как будет выглядеть шрифт на вашем сайте перед его сохранением.

Мы создали простое поле для решения данной задачи и готовы им поделиться.

Итак, поле состоит из поля визуального просмотра выбранного шрифта, кнопок следующего и предыдущего шрифта и кнопоу увеличения и уменьшения шрифта для лучшего просмотра разных шрифтов.

Вот что у нас должно получиться.

SelectFonts custom field

Мы не собираемся растягивать эту статью и предоставим сразу весь код.

Создайте файл selectfonts.php и поместите туда все это:

* @author        Maxim Resh (arenam.ru)
* @website		 https://arenam.ru/
* @copyright	 Copyright © 2021 - All rights reserved.
* @license       GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die; // No direct access

use Joomla\CMS\Factory;


class JFormFieldSelectFonts extends JFormFieldList
    public $type = 'selectfonts';

    public function getOptions()
        $items = array(
			"initial"                                                            => "-- Default --",
			// Cirillic
			"Bad+Script|'Bad Script', cursive"                                   => "Bad Script",
			"Roboto|'Roboto', sans-serif"                                        => "Roboto",
			"Open+Sans|'Open Sans', sans-serif"                                  => "Open Sans",
			"JetBrains+Mono|'JetBrains Mono', monospace"                         => "JetBrains Mono",
			"Montserrat|'Montserrat', sans-serif"                                => "Montserrat",
			"Source+Sans+Pro|'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif"                      => "Source Sans Pro",
			"Roboto+Condensed|'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif"                    => "Roboto Condensed",
			"Oswald|'Oswald', sans-serif"                                        => "Oswald",
			"Roboto+Mono|'Roboto Mono', monospace"                               => "Roboto Mono",
			"Raleway|'Raleway', sans-serif"                                      => "Raleway",
			"Noto+Sans|'Noto Sans', sans-serif"                                  => "Noto Sans",
			"PT+Sans|'PT Sans', sans-serif"                                      => "PT Sans",
			"Roboto+Slab|'Roboto Slab', serif"                                   => "Roboto Slab",
			"Ubuntu|'Ubuntu', sans-serif"                                        => "Ubuntu",
			"Merriweather|'Merriweather', serif"                                 => "Merriweather",
			"Playfair+Display|'Playfair Display', serif"                         => "Playfair Display",
			"Nunito|'Nunito', sans-serif"                                        => "Nunito",
			"Piazzolla|'Piazzolla', serif"                                       => "Piazzolla",
			"Open+Sans+Condensed|'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif"              => "Open Sans Condensed",
			"Lora|'Lora', serif"                                                 => "Lora",
			"Rubik|'Rubik', sans-serif"                                          => "Rubik",
			"PT+Serif|'PT Serif', serif"                                         => "PT Serif",
			"Noto+Serif|'Noto Serif', serif"                                     => "Noto Serif",
			"Fira+Sans|'Fira Sans', sans-serif"                                  => "Fira Sans",
			"Jura|'Jura', sans-serif"                                            => "Jura",
			"Source+Code+Pro|'Source Code Pro', monospace"                       => "Source Code Pro",
			"PT+Sans+Narrow|'PT Sans Narrow', sans-serif"                        => "PT Sans Narrow",
			"Arimo|'Arimo', sans-serif"                                          => "Arimo",
			"Inter|'Inter', sans-serif"                                          => "Inter",
			"Bitter|'Bitter', serif"                                             => "Bitter",
			"Yanone+Kaffeesatz|'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif"                  => "Yanone Kaffeesatz",
			"IBM+Plex+Sans|'IBM Plex Sans', sans-serif"                          => "IBM Plex Sans",
			"Source+Serif+Pro|'Source Serif Pro', serif"                         => "Source Serif Pro",
			"Comfortaa|'Comfortaa', cursive"                                     => "Comfortaa",
			"Exo+2|'Exo 2', sans-serif"                                          => "Exo 2",
			"Pacifico|'Pacifico', cursive"                                       => "Pacifico",
			"EB+Garamond|'EB Garamond', serif"                                   => "EB Garamond",
			"Balsamiq+Sans|'Balsamiq Sans', cursive"                             => "Balsamiq Sans",
			"Play|'Play', sans-serif"                                            => "Play",
			"Russo+One|'Russo One', sans-serif"                                  => "Russo One",
			"Cormorant+Garamond|'Cormorant Garamond', serif"                     => "Cormorant Garamond",
			"Caveat|'Caveat', cursive"                                           => "Caveat",
			"Amatic+SC|'Amatic SC', cursive"                                     => "Amatic SC",
			"IBM+Plex+Serif|'IBM Plex Serif', serif"                             => "IBM Plex Serif",
			"Vollkorn|'Vollkorn', serif"                                         => "Vollkorn",
			"Fira+Sans+Condensed|'Fira Sans Condensed', sans-serif"              => "Fira Sans Condensed",
			"PT+Sans+Caption|'PT Sans Caption', sans-serif"                      => "PT Sans Caption",
			"Alegreya+Sans|'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif"                          => "Alegreya Sans",
			"Ubuntu+Condensed|'Ubuntu Condensed', sans-serif"                    => "Ubuntu Condensed",
			"Alegreya|'Alegreya', serif"                                         => "Alegreya",
			"Tinos|'Tinos', serif"                                               => "Tinos",
			"Cuprum|'Cuprum', sans-serif"                                        => "Cuprum",
			"Didact+Gothic|'Didact Gothic', sans-serif"                          => "Didact Gothic",
			"Prata|'Prata', serif"                                               => "Prata",
			"IBM+Plex+Mono|'IBM Plex Mono', monospace"                           => "IBM Plex Mono",
			"Old+Standard+TT|'Old Standard TT', serif"                           => "Old Standard TT",
			"Playfair+Display+SC|'Playfair Display SC', serif"                   => "Playfair Display SC",
			"Manrope|'Manrope', sans-serif"                                      => "Manrope",
			"Philosopher|'Philosopher', sans-serif"                              => "Philosopher",
			"Poiret+One|'Poiret One', cursive"                                   => "Poiret One",
			"Spectral|'Spectral', serif"                                         => "Spectral",
			"Istok+Web|'Istok Web', sans-serif"                                  => "Istok Web",
			"Montserrat+Alternates|'Montserrat Alternates', sans-serif"          => "Montserrat Alternates",
			"Fira+Sans+Extra+Condensed|'Fira Sans Extra Condensed', sans-serif"  => "Fira Sans Extra Condensed",
			"Press+Start+2P|'Press Start 2P', cursive"                           => "Press Start 2P",
			"Neucha|'Neucha', cursive"                                           => "Neucha",
			"Ruda|'Ruda', sans-serif"                                            => "Ruda",
			"Cormorant|'Cormorant', serif"                                       => "Cormorant",
			"El+Messiri|'El Messiri', sans-serif"                                => "El Messiri",
			"Alice|'Alice', serif"                                               => "Alice",
			"Jost|'Jost', sans-serif"                                            => "Jost",
			"PT+Mono|'PT Mono', monospace"                                       => "PT Mono",
			"Marck+Script|'Marck Script', cursive"                               => "Marck Script",
			"Yeseva+One|'Yeseva One', cursive"                                   => "Yeseva One",
			"Sawarabi+Gothic|'Sawarabi Gothic', sans-serif"                      => "Sawarabi Gothic",
			"Tenor+Sans|'Tenor Sans', sans-serif"                                => "Tenor Sans",
			"Ubuntu+Mono|'Ubuntu Mono', monospace"                               => "Ubuntu Mono",
			"PT+Serif+Caption|'PT Serif Caption', serif"                         => "PT Serif Caption",
			"Marmelad|'Marmelad', sans-serif"                                    => "Marmelad",
			"Arsenal|'Arsenal', sans-serif"                                      => "Arsenal",
			"Fira+Mono|'Fira Mono', monospace"                                   => "Fira Mono",
			"Forum|'Forum', cursive"                                             => "Forum",
			"Alegreya+Sans+SC|'Alegreya Sans SC', sans-serif"                    => "Alegreya Sans SC",
			"Cousine|'Cousine', monospace"                                       => "Cousine",
			"Anonymous+Pro|'Anonymous Pro', monospace"                           => "Anonymous Pro",
			"Kosugi+Maru|'Kosugi Maru', sans-serif"                              => "Kosugi Maru",
			"Viaoda+Libre|'Viaoda Libre', cursive"                               => "Viaoda Libre",
			"Rubik+Mono+One|'Rubik Mono One', sans-serif"                        => "Rubik Mono One",
			"Pattaya|'Pattaya', sans-serif"                                      => "Pattaya",
			"Commissioner|'Commissioner', sans-serif"                            => "Commissioner",
			"Scada|'Scada', sans-serif"                                          => "Scada",
			"Oranienbaum|'Oranienbaum', serif"                                   => "Oranienbaum",
			"Alegreya+SC|'Alegreya SC', serif"                                   => "Alegreya SC",
			"Kurale|'Kurale', serif"                                             => "Kurale",
			"Literata|'Literata', serif"                                         => "Literata",
			"Pangolin|'Pangolin', cursive"                                       => "Pangolin",
			"Gabriela|'Gabriela', serif"                                         => "Gabriela",
			"Cormorant+Infant|'Cormorant Infant', serif"                         => "Cormorant Infant",
			"Kelly+Slab|'Kelly Slab', cursive"                                   => "Kelly Slab",
			"Podkova|'Podkova', serif"                                           => "Podkova",
			"Vollkorn+SC|'Vollkorn SC', serif"                                   => "Vollkorn SC",
			"Kosugi|'Kosugi', sans-serif"                                        => "Kosugi",
			"Spectral+SC|'Spectral SC', serif"                                   => "Spectral SC",
			"Cormorant+SC|'Cormorant SC', serif"                                 => "Cormorant SC",
			"Andika|'Andika', sans-serif"                                        => "Andika",
			"Fira+Code|'Fira Code', monospace"                                   => "Fira Code",
			"Ledger|'Ledger', serif"                                             => "Ledger",
			"Prosto+One|'Prosto One', cursive"                                   => "Prosto One",
			"Ruslan+Display|'Ruslan Display', cursive"                           => "Ruslan Display",
			"Bellota+Text|'Bellota Text', cursive"                               => "Bellota Text",
			"Bellota|'Bellota', cursive"                                         => "Bellota",
			"Underdog|'Underdog', cursive"                                       => "Underdog",
			"Cormorant+Unicase|'Cormorant Unicase', serif"                       => "Cormorant Unicase",
			"Seymour+One|'Seymour One', sans-serif"                              => "Seymour One",
			"Stalinist+One|'Stalinist One', cursive"                             => "Stalinist One",
			// Not Cirillic
			"Lemonada|'Lemonada', cursive"                                       => "Lemonada (?)",  
			"Sansita+Swashed|'Sansita Swashed', cursive"                         => "Sansita Swashed (?)",
			"Orbitron|'Orbitron', sans-serif"                                    => "Orbitron (?)",
			"Cinzel|'Cinzel', serif"                                             => "Cinzel (?)",
			"Texturina|'Texturina', serif"                                       => "Texturina (?)",
			"Dancing+Script|'Dancing Script', cursive"                           => "Dancing Script (?)",
			"Josefin+Sans|'Josefin Sans', sans-serif"                            => "Josefin Sans (?)"
		$option = array();
		foreach ($items as $key => $val)
			$option[] = JHtml::_('select.option',  $key, $val);
		// Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
		$options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $option);
		return $options;
	public function getInput()
		$doc = Factory::getDocument();
			function fontSelected(e){
				var select = e.target || e;
				if (select.selectedIndex > 0) { // web font
					var val = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
					var fontID = val.split('|');
					if (!document.getElementById(fontID[0])) {
						var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
						var link = document.createElement('link');
						link.id = fontID[0];
						link.rel = 'stylesheet';
						link.type = 'text/css';
						link.href = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='+fontID[0];
						link.media = 'all';
					select.closest('div').querySelector('textarea').style.fontFamily = select.options[select.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
				}else{ // default browser font
					select.closest('div').querySelector('textarea').style.fontFamily = null;
			function fontChange(e){
				var target = e.target;
				var select = target.closest('div').querySelector('select');
					case 'down':
						var newOpt = select.options[select.selectedIndex+1];
					case 'up':
						var newOpt = select.options[select.selectedIndex-1];
				if (newOpt !== undefined)
					select.value = newOpt.value;
			function fontSizeChange(e){
				var target   = e.target;
				var textarea = target.closest('div').querySelector('textarea');
				var fontSize = textarea.style.fontSize;
					case 'increase':
						textarea.style.fontSize = (parseFloat(fontSize)+1)+'px';
					case 'decrease':
						textarea.style.fontSize = (parseFloat(fontSize)-1)+'px';
		$doc->addStyleDeclaration ('
			.fontsContainer {
				display: inline-block;
				padding: 4px;
				border: 1px solid #ccc;
			.fontsContainer span{
				webkit-touch-callout: none;
				-webkit-user-select: none;
				-khtml-user-select: none; 
				-moz-user-select: none; 
				-ms-user-select: none;
				user-select: none;  
			.prewFonts {
				display: block !important;
				padding: 10px;
				margin-bottom: 6px !important;
				font-size: 22px;
				line-height: 1.4;
				width: 358px;
				min-width: 198px;
				min-height: 20px;
				padding-right: 6px;
				border: 1px solid #ccc;
				background: #f3f3f3;
				padding: 4px 8px 6px 8px;
				cursor: pointer;
				background: #ccc;
		$htmlA = '<div class="fontsContainer"><textarea class="prewFonts" style="font-size:22px;">A peep at some distant orb has power to raise and purify our thoughts like a strain of sacred music, or a noble picture, or a passage from the grander poets. It always does one good.</textarea>';
		$htmlB = '
			<span class="padding"></span>
			<span class="fontBtn" onclick="fontChange(event)" data-action="up">Up</span>
			<span class="fontBtn" onclick="fontChange(event)" data-action="down">Down</span>
			<span class="padding"></span>
			<span class="fontBtn" onclick="fontSizeChange(event)" data-action="increase">+</span>
			<span class="fontBtn" onclick="fontSizeChange(event)" data-action="decrease">-</span>
			<span class="padding"></span>
		$htmlB .= "
			<script>fontSelected(document.getElementById('jform_params_". $this->element['name'] ."'));</script>
		return $htmlA . parent::getInput() . $htmlB;

Большая часть шрифтов из списка поддерживают кириллицу.

Пример XML кода:

	label="Body font"
	onchange="fontSelected(event)" />

Незабудьте указать путь к вашему полю, если оно находится не в стандартной папке.

<fieldset name="font" label="Font" description="" addfieldpath="/templates/mytmpl/fields">

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