How to buy
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On our website, the purchase of extensions takes no more than 1 minute. You don't need to wait for payment confirmation, you just download extensions immediately after successful payment.
Step-by-step guide
To make a purchase on our website, you need to click on the corresponding button for the extension that you want to purchase.
Then you will be taken to the checkout page. Where you need to fill in the required fields and select the payment method.
The checkout page:
- Product details and final price;
- Fill in all the fields about yourself. You will receive a notification about the purchase status to this email address, and an additional link for downloading extensions will also be included;
- Select a payment method:
- Auto-registration on the site. *If you want to register to track your purchase, be sure to check your email address and complete the registration after the purchase;
- Сообщение;
- Read the terms of use and check the checkbox. By doing so, you accept the terms of use on the site and use of our products, as well as consent to the processing of your personal data. Finish placing the order by clicking on the "Make payment" button.
After confirming the order, you will automatically proceed to payment.
Payment method
* Attention! The payment process may differ for your country.
Downloading products
After successful payment, do not close the payment window. Wait for the automatic return to our website to download the product!
Return page.
Scroll to the end of the page to download products.
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